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LEGACY PROJECT 7-9 mins video; what are your habits you are forming to create that life 10 Year Personal Devotion – create a storyboard with clever titles, sections, time stamps and film and audio shot notes
Habits and video clip ideas Create habits that I can do every single day 10 years - Celebrate discipline – dedicated 30 mins a day in worship Read Bible in morning alone 30 mins every day Read Bible jointly with my husband 2wice a week first thing in the morning over a cup of coffee Time alone for prayer in morning after worship – 30 mins walk and pray – freedom in my schedule to not rush and to have intentional time with God that is my priority. Video clip of me worshipping/ photos Read word with spouse, dive into scriptures together, take turns highlighting every other day and sharing revelation – video clip of me reading with spouse…use an actor or fake video Actively praying over growth areas HS led conversations with God, I wait for his direction on decisions and can feel his presence Have broken off all demonic strongholds and am living my best life in full freedom Silence critical spirit Specific prayers Broken off fear / unworthiness around relationships Disciplined fasting – spirit led fasting – Daniel fast/intentional/ 3 time a year Spend so much time with the Lord – read book Essentialism, What’s the one thing book, keep my mind refreshed and educated Workbook Bible reading – taken upon myself to learn some words in Hebrew for a deeper understanding of the Bible Shatter ceiling of serving self and serving others, Staying busy, validation Show my kids with prayer and affection believe in their potential and speak into their future Show family prayer video, prayer closet (find footage) What you say happens I am seeking the kingdom first in all things. I have involved the Lord into each and every facet of my life and am hear His voice. My daily devotions usher in the Holy Spirit as I sit in the hammock in my garden each morning to start off my day in prayer. Video of me lying in hammock or on the beach somewhere worshipping/meditating on the word I can recite the Bible and scriptures regularly. I am actively working at His right hand praying over children and families each and every day to advance the kingdom. I serve on the ministry team as God’s humble servant. I have studied and read about the Bible over the past decade and am now proficient in my studies. I am able to pray with authority and use scripture to support my active prayer life. 10 year Personal Development – Habits and video clip ideas Myself: Video – start opening video of my favorite childhood memory and what I want to recreate for my children – breaking generational cycles and focusing on spirit of positivity, love, fruits of the spirit. I regularly attend Bible study and host a group at my house on the beach in Coronado adjacent to my best friend and her husband/family. We both have a firm knowledge in Biblical studies and the history of the Bible having traveled to Israel and other historical parts of the world that have allowed me to see sites and artifacts from the Bible. Show connect group video I am a leader at Awaken and pour into others as I disciple and support them in being set free and coming to know their identity in Christ. I have a powerful prayer life praying in power and with authority. God is at the center of our family and each day I seek first the Kingdom of God in every way I can. I am living a life free of bondage, serving others, and doing my best to advance the Kingdom through discipling and sowing with my tithe and offerings. As a family unit we’ve pledged $1 million into Vision Builders in addition to our tithes. Splice in vision builders image – top donor award My family and I are an active member of our church community and most importantly, I spend dedicated time in my prayer closet each day being in His presence. My walls are covered with the testimonies of His answered prayers and evidence of his Glory. I am a blessed and eternally grateful child of God. My parents are saved as God’s miracles have restored them and brought them to Christ. Ruben – Clifton Strengths Pay attention to small wins as I charge towards big goals Scheduling regular breaks with my children so I can recharge my energy Establish as many connections as possible – immersing in community, seminars, tracking their likes/dislikes, system in place to keep relationships alive Study my wins, write them down so that I can mirror in future Impressing by researching clients prior to calls asking smart questions Catch phrase for driving sale home Expert storyteller that are relevant Tailor communication to each customer, targeted Carve out time intentional to recap my day and strategize on what worked/didn’t work Committed to a path of climbing the mountain, don’t settle Reflect quarterly, monthly, weekly on my growth Immersed with community who will reveal my blindspots Don’t wait to know everything – surround yourself with those who know the other 50% Heaven is the power source to go into the world Deliverance ministry work video– setting the captives free – my husband and I are setting people free from demonic oppression – Freedom is my kingdom purpose. I’ve become educated and proficient in the freedom ministry at Awaken. Breaking the ceiling / limiting belief that people do not care about my voice. Power of prayer and deliverance. Cast out Demons. Intense training. Doing it partnering with my husband and God. Physical health- hikes with my PFA group around San Diego – implant video Living in Escondido / Poway area with all of my church family planted around me – video of dream house Education ? carry the vision of territory taking spirit spirit of innovation honor is the currency of heaven promise keeper/integrity serving people in a manner that honors God kingdom builder (Vision Builders, sowing into the house and into other Awaken community ventures) confidence sells leaving an inheritance for our children’s children – be good stewards in ALL areas of your sphere of influence – leaving this legacy project for my children be a good steward of what I have now with resources Community and wise counsel are a regular part of my life. I am immersed in Awaken culture and have served in each and every part of the church. I’m living a spiritual life of abundance and am fulfilled. I am living a life of achievement that fulfills my soul. I am showing up in each area of my life with excellence and honor. I have broken off any areas of limitation. I spend each day continuing to improve and advance myself in meaningful ways while continually breaking off any areas that are strongholds for the enemy. I am a leader in recovery to help mentor women through their trauma and pain and serve as wise counsel for others. My husband is also recovered and leads in the men’s groups. We are close friends with many of the campus pastors especially Jon and Becky as they introduced us. Source video/photos of my future husband My body is healthy and my biological age is that of a person in their early 30’s. I am performing physically now better than I ever have and am in the best shape of my life. I have achieved this with consistent exercise, excellent nutrition, balancing my hormones and ensuring I have quality sleep each night. Regular hikes for girls weekends with my PFA friends (video of us hiking 3 sisters) My children are doing so well and feel loved, supported and nurtured by their parents. They have a wonderful home life with their parents and are excelling beyond their peers in their studies, emotional maturity and compassion for others, connection with God and extracurricular activities. We have achieved success that has allowed us to build our own 6,000 sq. ft. dream home in Coronado with neighboring fellow Patriots and Christians from our church. We have the largest American flag on the block and people drive to see our home every year on the 4th of July to see the fireworks from our yard (the best spot on the island) My children are on worship team, have been baptized and have a relationship with Jesus. Kids worship team video It is so nice that we get along with each other’s friends and want to spend time together. We enjoy being social and being part of a community. Our children are happy and thriving in Awaken Academy, rooted in God. They are active in youth church and have been baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. My kids are attending Bex’s homeschool program – applying real life principles. Getting mentorship. Real life application. SHATTER unbelief and limiting mindsets. I play games with my children so that they learn creativity in wealth creation and adopt entrepreneurship (Bex’s school) Supporting and deeply connected with my PFA community -has changed my life. Bex, Vickie, Brent, Sean, Marissa Marriage: Habits to get to healthy marriage over 1,3, 5 years Consistent affirmations have established a harmony of mantras and scripture to build my self esteem around my limiting beliefs. Affirmations have evolved over time and taken root now reaping a harvest of a solid god aligned belief system with great fruit on my life. Living in the most abundant and fruitful marriage Carved out coffee breaks weekly Hired Alisa DiLorenzo for marital counseling – video of her Marriage devotionals Monthly date nights Budget meetings once a month Immersed in hangouts with godly couples, learning from each other Stir up each other in love and faith Marriage Conferences are a priority Girls nights/guys night with people that have fruit on their lives no complainers You will never be as vulnerable to a person than the one you are under covenant with Marriage is an embodied declaration to the world Spiritual parents in my husband’s and my life to sharpen us and pour into our family. Video here of older couple speaking life into us Lessons: God at center Deal with problems daily Have grace It is not the storm that takes you but how you deal with the storm Go first Make intimacy a priority Honor my husband – outserve each other Fight forward not dwelling in past Allow spouse to sharpen me My husband encourages, supports and takes pride in how I co-lead the family along his side. Video clip of me attending Awaken Marriage Conference (fake video) with my husband My emerge husband and I met at an Awaken service and we regularly attend and are serving together under Pastor Jon and Becky Our home is dedicated to the Lord and all whom enter are blessed by being here! Our children and their friends love to spend time at our home above all places and consider it the most fun and healing place to be. Our home is a place of connection, healing, fun, devotion and freedom. Our family values are continually practiced by all of us and we each invest time in one another to ensure a positive dynamic. My husband is a God-seeking man who found me and pursued me. Our relationship has always placed God first from the beginning and has been an easy and pleasant marriage. He is an Emerge man through and through! We have kept God at the center of our relationship and have continued to both do everything we can to keep our marriage Biblically aligned. We also work on our marriage actively and approach it with integrity, respect and true vulnerability. We have attached ourselves to wise counselors from church who we regularly connect with and see. I lead women’s prayer on Tuesday mornings and we have now expanded to at least 100-200 women each Tuesday!! We are in need of overflow support it is the most full church in the entire city. We continue to feel we are living in the honeymoon stage of our relationship as a result and are deeply attracted and in love with one another. Instead of using sex as leverage in hopes that it would lead to love, we both focused on building emotional intimacy without the complication of sexual intimacy, trusting God and receiving sexual union after our marriage. We both have shared interests, goals in life and have a similar philosophy to the way we parent our children. We both enjoy each others’ company and spending time with one another, our child(ren) and mutual friends. We have honest, open, proactive(not reactionary) conversations. I love that we both have a deep commitment to the growth of ourselves individually as well as a couple and family and that we both are generous in spirit and giving in a loving and supportive way. And we seek God first in all things. My husband is best friends with my best friend’s husband and it’s incredibly too good to be true that we live adjacent to one another and live lives connected to each other in edifying ways but of course no dream is too big for God. We are traveling the world to luxury hotels (video) for my career with our children and are able to bring a full time employed nanny whom our kids love to care for them. She cares for them as we travel and both my husband and I can work remotely anywhere in the world as we own our own businesses. Friendships: Allow others to speak into my life when I am thrown curve balls Honor my friends, celebrate their wins Monthly reconsolidate all of my failures and put them to a new light of learning lessons Have faith in transition Mantle on my life for business excellence with doors supernaturally opening for me everywhere I go Video clip on my affirmations / looking in mirror and reciting? Video of me reading books on affirmations We are marketplace leaders with God at the center of our marriage bringing in great wealth over $1.5 million a year in combined net income running our own businesses Instilling into our kids=God eliminate our distractions it’s not what we see but the lens we see through (perception) Confidence Length Expense Adversity – makes you great – build your AQ- resilience Responsibility to steward well the grace He gave to me 10 year Wealth Creation – Habits and video clip ideas What did I learn about winning and how to set myself up for success? (connect my life to needs that I can’t live without) (power of HS presence in perfect tension with assignment) Vision of Wealth: I am dominating in the marketplace as a leader in business/entrepreneurship. My primary business is a hotel representation firm that I operate with my best friend Christine as a business partner. We’ve successfully brought in $4 million these past few years in profit. We knew we could dream big with God. Our business idea evolved in a car ride drive home from Orange County when we joined forces and leveraged both of our strengths and interests. I dominate in luxury hotels while she dominates in nutrition while both of us are passionate about the other’s field as a personal interest. We decided if we merged lanes and merged minds that the world was our oyster. So we prayed through it and formulated our Hotel Representation Firm/ Worldwide Wellness concept. Inspired Hospitality We currently have 50 member hotels that pay us a healthy annual retainer for services provided. We’ve built wellness packages for most of them and help improve the lifestyle and nutrition of employees around the world. We take great pride in the fruits of our labor in building this thriving company which allows us to excel in our lanes of expertise. We are also partnering with Preferred Hotels in many capacities and it has been nice to see this partnership flourish even after my departure from sales at the company. My friend’s supplement line is a well-researched, high-quality line of products that are effectively improving the health of millions of people’s lives and helping people to bring quality nutrition solutions to their companies. WE are working with HR departments at my hotels to implement our wellness plans within the hotel environment AND are also successfully partnering with the corporate sphere for meeting and incentive trips. We are mastering this unique niche – the wellness component is critical to our success and enhances our selling strategy to our hotels making us more unique and marketable. I own my own schedule and am able to travel with my business in a way that is fun and supportive of my family. I am still able to be present as a mom and meet the emotional and physical needs of my children as well as my husband. I feel rested, vibrant and like time expands to meet the needs of my schedule. I interact with people who treat me with respect and value the services. I’ve set clear and successful boundaries in my life to guard my heart in all relationships but for the first time ever I can say that my close circle is all 100% healthy, recovered, thriving, and rooted in our church. My thriving business has enabled me to make investments into real estate. I own 20 different rental investment properties that bring me extra cash flow that I then use to advance the kingdom in vision builders. My cash flow passive income average is $1 million per year with all of my properties on top of my business profit. Habits 1,3,5 year: Excellence, honor, execution Partnering with God to 10X what is in my hand Power of working ON my business not IN my business (Ps Melissa) Operating in heart health/thriving – broken off spirit of unbelief that I can run my own business / getting out of my own way (Jacob) Generosity brings heart health- give more in value than you take in payment People do business with those they like and trust What I do is serving and adding value to others Building business by referrals by an army of ambassadors Authenticity/trust/integrity – most valuable skill Income is dependent on how many people you serve and how well I serve them I receive as much as I give – be open to receiving Spiritually healthy – doing work to break off enemy’s strongholds. Inner healing and devotional life Praying the prayer ongoing for Lord give me the eyes to see people the way Jesus does My ingredients are my strengths – know what I am made of Connect to your client’s dream – what are you funding Identify your ideal customer – start small, find a person. Don’t try to serve everyone, know your niche Operating in excellence Faithfulness – leaving things better than where you found them Give people your best, pure heart Mandate to multiply – video of me with a lot of clients at a tradeshow?? Financial practices/limiting ceilings broken: Increasing my financial IQ - Building blocks – Greg Banner financial literacy, deeply involved in financial decisions, comprehensive understanding of my investments and how to develop investments/real estate; build my asset column; keep expenses low and buy real assets I have money working FOR me Have my home work for me – My house in Coronado can be rented out for private events. Need a large house so we can rent out for entertaining – parties, enjoy the home, Christian families within the church Silenced all fears and discomfort around paying bills, owing people money, fear of starting over Will not owe anyone anything – we will be lenders Not about how much money I make but what I keep that matters Assets: produce income, appreciate, do both Liabilities take money out of your pocket because of costs to maintain them Rental properties are assets because they can generate enough passive income to exceed expenses of operating and financing the real estate 2 rental properties in San Diego 3 in New England by my family House in San Diego where I live will have ADU in back for rental and a mother in law suite for visitors and for my parents Have a beautiful financial foundation that took root after PFA and in partnership with God and Greg Banner Minimize your tax burden Rich invent money through Fund management/investment packages Professional investors who research market Aligned with real estate expects in my life to give me financial intelligence around opportunities to invest Real assets: businesses that don’t require my presence Stocks Bonds Royalties Real estate rev stream Pay yourself first - I am proactive and quick to lay down things that keep me busy in order to focus on family. I am successful by being proactive and taking care of my families first so that I can be motivated to achieve financial success after I’ve done these things to take care of my personal needs. Not neglecting the things that matter. Accounting financial literacy – ongoing seminars, engagement with PFA class. Shop for real estate during market corrections, think big not small to get rich, negotiate volume discounts (ie more hotels in my firm) My children are focused on what they can learn and not on making money. They are fixated on developing their skills and are planted in church with like minded children. Complete financial freedom have silenced all self doubt and limiting beliefs over money – leaned into my weakness and sought wise counsel Know a little bit about a lot of things instead of everything about a very few Working to learn not to make money – and leave legacy to my children and future generations Turn disaster into opportunity Save in times of prosperity and spent in times of recession/ uncertainty Honor- what does that look like for me in 10 years – honoring my clients brings referrals. My network is purely built on honor, integrity and the way I do business, satisfying people, pouring into them and overserving. Doing God’s work in the marketplace. Shadowing pastors to learn honor make sure customer experience meets/exceeds expectations Vision Builders donors – helping fund multiple campuses that I am an active part of building 10 year Preferred is retaining my firm and I’m assisting them with targeted sales efforts and strategy to lead their company to increased revenue My firm has exponentially morphed into something out of a dream!! 3-5 year My why is more refined. Business is running like a well oiled machine. Morphed into co partnership with Christine. We are successfully managing 20-25 clients jointly. New layers of our business have enhanced our services – wellness, supplements, partnerships with other companies (amenity parter, DMC partner with commission rebate fee structure). We’ve setup additional arms to our business that are working FOR us generating income just by referrals, contributing to our profit margins. Traveling the world with my family, married. Both work remotely. Passive income from rental property investments – real estate license, work in conjunction with many of my friends from PFA class on good investments. I spent time visiting homes that I dream about so I can envision myself living there and owning them. 1 year Noble House has renewed agreement due to excellence in services and strategy taking their brand to the next level I’ve implemented systems, hired on contractors to support and scale growth Now I have 6 clients that I am managing for a total of over 50 hotels where my goal used to be 12. God has taken it to a whole new level! 9-12 week business will be established, up and running – big client Nobel House signs on with 2 other smaller clients retaining me monthly with a year contract. DESIRED VIDEOS/SOURCED IMAGES Have someone tape me praying over someone Praying with my children video Splice in photos of Alisa / One Extraordinary Marriage – counseling with her Serve on Deliverance ministry Pick video of a luxury hotel or two or three. Taking videos of myself there at La Valencia, Rancho Bernardo Inn, The Del Pick a house in Coronado with big American flag, where my house is going to be – video myself there – footage in Coronado My childhood favorite memory video of St Thomas – use this as pouring into future generations for my children – voiceover video me speaking about life, laughter, maybe a scripture or two Me doing my favorite fitness activity (line dancing for girls nights) I have a video of this Pick a few rental property photos – multiple residence units – San Diego, New England. Talk about making money work for me Fruitful investment opportunities Dialed into Awaken Coronado Campus Splice in photos of vision board Man who desires to adopt children as his own and raise them as such Awaken church friends setting me up with my husband – group session with first date. Can just be in a group setting. 2 second clip of me meeting someone (can be fake people). Healthy financial discussion Video of the church and women’s prayer Splice in adventure travel video somewhere exotic as a family Video around recovery meeting/mentorship with women and deliverance night…..take photos/videos of real life deliverance and freedom nights. Rental properties will fund my Vision Builders and travel/ discretionary. Will have a big house in Coronado will have rental properties, boat on the water God bringing me wisdom and discernment – gifts are magnified Storehouse for Vision Builders - $1 million a year for Vision Builders Net income should be $5 million in net with $1 million in Vision Builders Rental income contributing to the $5mil Minimized tax burden Private plane to travel with my family The best of the best independent luxury hotels around the world have hired me to represent them – rent out my private plane for weddings/celebrations. Fruits of my life are luxury – hotels, weddings, luxury experience in all parts of my life. Travel, my car, my homes. Bicoastal life to stay around family First class in all that I do – excellence spirit (Dave Ewing) Cadillac Escalade My house is modeled after my favorite luxury hotel in the world. It’s brand new! Movie theatre room in my house Prayer room – war room Get a picture of me and my family in front of a 2023 Cadillac Escalade – dealership -work write off Video of me doing life with my friends in luxury settings/doing business Get video/photo of George and I at L’Auberge – life full circle NEWEST HOLY SPIRIT WEALTH CREATION IDEA Buy a building Make it into a Christian Wellness Resort 200-300 rooms which is my wheelhouse Build wellness packages around Faith based activities Grace for Christian yoga Fisherman’s village – like The Fives Or Buy the Fives make it bigger Salvations, advancing the kingdom 5 mins of presentation – video 2 mins of talking / vision board. Come very prepared and come with excellence Be as creative as you want – first person narratives, powerpoints, posterboards, videos Structure needs to include habits that I’m forming to get to my 1 year 3 year 5 year 10 year vision. Habits before 10 year vision what are we building out. Vision Statement: (from class) Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking through a beautiful garden with me. The garden is not an ordinary one of flowers, but of, long-standing event planner client relationships. I’ve been planting, growing, tending, and manicuring this garden for over two decades. I’ve tilled the soil, pulled out many weeds, and pruned what was not fruitful. Now open your eyes. I’m Christie Pienaar, CEO of Inspired Hospitality - a global group sales consulting firm for meeting and event planners. Our company brings refined partnerships emerging from the foundation of integrity, honor, and commitment to excellence. Our vision is to manage customer expectations and drive strategic solutions to you from a lens of tenured expertise. When you choose my firm you not only instantly dial into to my roladex, you gain a trusted advisor and, most importantly, a loyal friend I look forward to our journey ahead Our bountiful garden awaits and I’m leaving a small piece of it with you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~